Friday, December 22, 2023

2023 Card-vent Calendar: December 21

December 21, 2023:
1983 Donruss Magnum P.I. #9
Without any context, I have no idea what is going on in this card.  Magnum is looking good, hair and mustache perfect, and there's a horse giving some side-eye in the background.  Then the back of the card says this:
"Well, it seems there are some crooks down at the dock, and they are trying to steal a big load of pineapples," said Higgins.
I listened intently.

What this has to do with a equine matters, I may never know.  And how close is the stable to the docks?
I've never seen an episode of Magnum, nor any of the others shows Tom Selleck has been in.  In fact, the only things of his I've ever watched were Three Men and a Baby back near the time it was released, and in the 1990s Mr. Baseball.


  1. I'm guessing the stable was on the estate where they lived. Not related to the pineapple heist.

    I've seen a few eps of Magnum. Decent show. He was popular with the ladies back in the day.

  2. I watched Magnum PI back in the day. Wish I could help you with the details of the card... but that was four decades ago. I can barely remember what was going on four months ago.

  3. I can't say that I watched many Magnum episodes, but I do know I watched the theme many times.
