Monday, January 27, 2025

Trade Me Anything XVIII: #6

Trades like the one I'm about to share are actually my favorite.  A few cards sent, a few cards gained, and I get to delete a little bit from my want list.  (Don't get me wrong, I love getting books and Brewers and stickers and gadgets and everything else, but a want list trade is a fastball over the plate for me.)  This one is from Daniel. 
#US49 Jared Jones, #US12 Jon Berti, #US134 Cade Smith, #US163 Clayton Andrews / Josh Maciejewski 

1983 Topps #770 Dave Winfield
When typing out want list numbers, it's always a little disconcerting to see a Topps cards that you need that ends in a zero.  I'm glad to have Dave become a part of my still-incomplete set.
1980 Topps #110 Fred Lynn, #663 Ralph Botting / Bob Clark / Dickie Thon
Ditto on the Lynn.  I don't remember having any other Botting cards (only pitched in 18 games in his career), but Clark pops up from time to time in stacks of Brewers, and Thickie Don is a legend in his own right (and a short-time Brewer).
1987 Fleer #328 Tim Raines, 1987 Fleer All Star Team #8 Todd Worrell
I swear you could insulate a 3,000-square-foot home with 1987 cards and stickers featuring Worrell.  Decent career, but three cards in 1987 Topps was some overkill.  This insert is cool, though.
1997 Pinnacle Denny's #8 John Jaha
Jaha is kind of the face of the dark years between Yount's retirement and the emergence of Prince Fielder and Ryan Braun in the late 2000s.  He's what passed for a good player in Milwaukee.  If he was several years older or younger, he would have been a great companion piece to a pennant winner, but wasn't the guy to carry a team.

Thanks, Daniel!  I always appreciate help crossing a few cards off the list.

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